This is Winged Foot

This is  Winged Foot
June 15 through June 21, 2020

Friday, June 15, 2012

Live at the US Open - Olympic - Thursday June 14, 2012

Overlooking the 8th green -- look at this crowd waiting for the Big 3

Well, wasn’t this an interesting day? Whoever would have thought there would be five train wrecks involving five of the best players in the world? And then some. It was hard to watch. Of course for me it would have been harder if Tiger was one of them but still. But let’s not forget there is way more fun to come for these guys tomorrow!

If I recall on Wednesday I commented on Johnson and Donald and driving and iron practice. Since they are at +5 and +7 respectively I guess it didn’t matter which club they practiced with. However Donald is known as a weak driver of the ball and he certainly showed it yesterday. I know he did not hit a fairway on the front and certainly not many on the back. Maybe he needs to practice a bit with his driver.

Today was beautiful and warm and no fog. Absolutely stellar and more in store for tomorrow and Saturday. I hear locals comment about how rare it is to have this weather at this time of year at the edge of the Pacific. Not sure why it could not have been like this the three days we had to work until 8 pm and almost froze to death…just one of those lucky breaks.

The crowds were out in full force and it is only Thursday. Perhaps it is the makeup of the course that makes it feel more crowded than in previous years. It is hard to move around in some places – there are choke points that take awhile to get through. The solution? Do not go there. Walk around if possible. And speaking of walking…it is hazardous to one’s health. Built on the side of a rather steep hill there is a lot of navigating up and down. I saw one poor lady slip and slide all the way down on her backside. It hurt to watch.

And spectator walking is the easy part. In past years I have talked about walking the courses and how tiring it is for the players. Olympic takes the cake – by far. I heard someone say it reminded him of Augusta with the huge undulations that are really hard to see on television. The players have a walk up a 45% hill to get from one green to the tee and from 7 to 8 they have to walk almost the entire length of 8 to get back to the tee box. We walked Pebble and Congressional five days in a row the last two years and I’m not sure we could do Olympic for five days. I wish I was trying, however.

Last thought on this…I believe that the players who pulled the afternoon draw on Thursday were at a disadvantage from the start. First the course really firmed up in the afternoon. Second they did not get done until early evening. They have the early start tomorrow so not much rest. If the winner comes from this bracket extra kudos to him. The good news for the three Euros in the “Second Marquee” group…unless they get their mojo going they get to go to the airport early in the afternoon.

And the “Marquee” groups as the USGA calls them just doesn’t sit well. I realize the six of them are the people everyone wants to see but it sets them apart from the rest of the field even more than they are under normal circumstances. I cannot wrap my little brain around this being the right thing to do even if TV wants it. And I think history may show it doesn’t do those players involved any favors either when it comes how they played. When we were sitting at the 8th Green for awhile we saw several non-Marquee groups do a much better job of circling the pin with their tee shots.

San Francisco – what a great city. Have not seen any of it past the hotel doors and the freeway to Candlestick where we catch the shuttle. Hope to change that starting tonight. There is this really interesting bar across the street I’m dying to try…

We did have an unpleasant happening…Jeff lost his wallet yesterday. Not sure if it was stolen out of his pocket or it fell out. Nothing in lost and found yesterday or this morning. The usual credit cards, ID and not a little cash gone. Really puts a damper on the experience.

Jeff received a call this afternoon (and yes, volunteers can have phones in the course this year – yeah!) from a hole marshal who said one of his friends had found Jeff’s wallet. What a relief! But then the cynic is us wonders what will be in it…will the cash be gone? When Jeff was checking L&F another man came in to find his wallet turned in – sans cash. So we get on the phone with the gentleman, he lives on the way back to the city and we will stop on Potrero Hill to pick it up.

It was a relief to find that the wallet was intact including all the cash. We forget that there are still honest people in this world and how lucky we were that one of them found Jeff’s wallet. We send many thanks to DB. So here is the funniest part of all this…

Jeff asked him where he had found it. It was near a drop spot for the carts. He said that he never would had seen it if he hadn’t turned around to gaze at a young woman who had just walked by. Jeff asked if she had on a very short black skirt and DB said “why yes.” “And underneath was a bright orange thong?” “That was her!” There is not anything else to say…

Trying to get Rory to sign my flag -- no luck :(

The 9th hole

And the winner of the Open Outfit of the Year Award!

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