This is Winged Foot

This is  Winged Foot
June 15 through June 21, 2020

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Live from the US Open - Torry Pines - June 11, 2008

Good Evening…

First of all, some of you perhaps received multiple sends of Live I. If so, apologies. If you did not receive Live I and would like to, please respond and I will send it off. Apparently some of my contacts had invalid addresses even though the addresses were there in Outlook…sometimes I think Microsoft just does not like me.

Second, some emails had the horror of horrors – the misspelling of “Torrey Pines.” Many of you know that I am totally A-Retentive when it comes to spelling and grammar so for this to escape my computer is tantamount to heresy. Apologies for messing up my first tribute to Torrey Pines.

So, the last day of practice is over and we anticipate the opening shots early in the a.m. I doubt we will be in attendance for that but soon after for sure. I would like to see the mob scene that will accompany each and every practice swing, grass blade toss, actual shot, etc. that will be part of the craziness the USGA has wrought upon us with the Tiger and Phil pairing. All 42,500 ticket holders will doubtless be on the first tee tomorrow around 8. I feel very sorry for Adam Scott that he is caught up in this circus. But, he will be a better player for it. Won’t he? If not, he can blame it on his recently broken pinkie.

There was actually a Tiger-sighting today on the driving range. Saw exactly ONE swing and he was done. Off to the Presidential Suite at the Lodge no doubt. (Jerry, still had that perfect “V” of perspiration down his back – how does he do that?) Got some pics of Phil on the putting green, got Andreas Romero’s autograph and am thoroughly annoyed with Angel Cabrera for blowing off his afternoon stroll around the back 9.

If you wonder what it is like to be a professional athlete, in particular professional golfer and really in particular, Tiger Woods, imagine this. You are at work – emailing, talking on the phone, meeting with the boss – whatever it is that you do. And while you are doing this there are thousands of people watching you. There are hundreds of people taking pictures of you. Each and every person within a quarter mile wants to see you, touch you, talk with you, and obtain your autograph while you are trying to work. There may be a few of us who regularly go up against the very, very best competition day in and day out but not many. Not only that, each of them are working double time to take us out – beat us at our own game. This scenario does not just apply to Tiger but to many others as well…he just has it more than most.

Today I watched Zach Johnson for a couple of holes. Remember that pictures and autographs are only allowed on practice days. So between tees and greens, players give autographs if they wish. Zach at one point pleaded with the crowd that he just cannot get to everyone and sign everything. We think these guys live lives we might like to live and in some ways that may be true. But as with all success, there is a price. These guys pay a high price for fame and fortune and work very hard while they are at it.

Tomorrow is opening day and the USGA has made certain it will be one to remember with the Tiger/Phil pairing. I’m excited to be part of it and consider myself very lucky to be here. Though I try, I do not have the skills to really describe all that well what I see and experience. I wish each of you could be here to enjoy the moment but since you cannot, I am trying my best to make you part of my experience.

Until Live III – it is time for some sleep. Sweet dreams…


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